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Advanced Topics

Using the ~/.ssh/config file

The OpenSSH client behavior can be controlled with both command line options and configuration settings in ~/.ssh/config. Setting up a config file can save some typing.

Consider your local username being grace but you are known as hopper on the host and you are also required to use a special private key ~/.ssh/cobol.id_ed25519 to authenticate.

The command line call will look like this:

ssh -i .ssh/cobol.id_ed25519

To abbreviate this to ssh cobol add the following to ~/.ssh/config:

Host cobol
  User         hopper
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/cobol.id_ed25519

For other options consult the documentation in the ssh_config man page. Your service provider may provide some useful snippets as well. Again, be careful with the settings you make, only copy them from trusted sources or when you fully understand their implications.

Bastion Hosts

Some setups have the concept of a bastion or jump host, which acts as the single point of entry to the systems beyond. In the past, this was one use case for SSH agent forwarding, which creates tremendous security risks, should the bastion host ever be compromised.

OpenSSH 7.3+ has a feature called ProxyJump as a safe alternative to agent forwarding. If you want to connect to through a jump host called, use something like:

$ ssh -J

This can also be added to ~/.ssh/config:

Host * !

Automated SSH Logins

For automation purposes, unattended SSH logins may be necessary. This is one of the few exceptions where private keys without a passphrase are acceptable.

As a security measure, create new keys for each automation job and limit their privileges on the server. See the sshd man page for details about the authorized_keys file format.

$ cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
restrict,command="uptime" ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAID9icauGFYzZCWe7P6tVH9/70pGON39H+CVB0DEY2PSg uptime_key
$ ssh -T
 11:07:28 up 24 days, 15:29,  0 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.05, 0.02
Connection to closed.

ssh -T does not try to allocate a pseudo-terminal, which would fail anyway because of the restrict key option on the server. Without it, the connection will still succeed but the following warning will always be printed:

PTY allocation request failed on channel 0


Older versions of OpenSSH do not recognize the restrict option. It that is the case substitute it with no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-pty,no-user-rc,no-X11-forwarding